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[출처] 23 Social Media Facts to share with Executives
@ 도움이 되셨다면 아래 손가락 버튼을 클릭해 주는 센스~ ^^
- In the US, there are 149M active Facebook users, 70% log in once a day – Ogilvy & BuddyMedia
- Social media accounts for ~ 25% of all time spent online over 35 minutes per hour – Nielsen
- Facebook accounts for 8.93% of all website visits in the US. All of Google’s properties including YouTube, Gmail, Google accounts for 9.85% – Experian Hitwise
- 64% of Facebook users have liked a brand on Facebook - ExactTarget
- By 2012, half of the world’s Internet users, 1 billion people, will have a Facebook account – TIME (12/7-1/3 edition)
- Facebook’s fastest growing demographic is 17-35 year olds – TIME
- 43% of Facebook users who “unlike” a brand do so because of too much push marketing – Exact Target
- 46% of Internet users worldwide interact with social media on a daily basis -TNS
- 25% of social media users are more likely to look into a brand advertising on social media – Adology
- 15% of these users are more likely to purchase from social media advertisers – Adology
- 38% of Small & Micro Businesses would use social media more if they had more time or a convenient management solution – Vistaprint
- 46% of micro business owners utilize social media – Vistaprint
- $4.26 billion will be spent on social media marketing globally in 2011 – eMarketer
- 17% of US online consumers have created a Twitter account – ExactTarget
- 48% of Twitter users check their account at least once a day – Exact Target
- 71% of Twitter users expect to receive marketing messages via the platform – Exact Target
- 41% of users who have unfollowed a brand on Twitter did so because they were over-marketed to – ExactTarget
- 46% of Twitter users meet with friends more in person over 2009 – Social Mythbusting
- 78.6% of consumers have joined a company’s community to get more information on the company – Universal McCann
- 71% of community members say they are more likely to purchase from brand – Universal McCann
- 66% of company community members note that the community has made them more loyal to a brand – Universal McCann
- 63% of corporate community members note that they will recommend brand to friends/family – Universal McCann
- Ford’s 2011 Explorer launch on Facebook generated a 200% greater return than a Super Bowl ad - Social Media Case Studies, Stories, Perspectives
[출처] 23 Social Media Facts to share with Executives
@ 도움이 되셨다면 아래 손가락 버튼을 클릭해 주는 센스~ ^^
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